
Showing posts from January, 2021

Welcome 2021

One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is tomorrow will be better or next year will be better.  We can not be sure of that and that is a promise we can't keep or control.  We have today!  We have this gift and we get to choose its goodness.  We can control what we do and how we take on THIS DAY!   Maybe you have told yourself this lie or your kids this.  I have too, but it hit my really yesterday as people posted over and over OUT with 2020!  2020 was a difficult year, but if I'm being honest there  were other difficult years, maybe even more difficult years, before 2020.  A friend shared a conversation she had about the difference in suffering and inconvenience.  Now, don't think I don't see those suffering, there was suffering, there was grief, there was sadness, there was suffering. But mostly there was a lose of imagined control and inconvenience.   I did not suffer hunger, persecution, lack of shelter, lack of wifi, I still lived my amazing 1st world life that